Thursday, August 10, 2006

Open Book Awards

Hey Everyone,

I know it's been a minute since I posted anything. But I have been busy. Conferences abound! I attended my first Romance Writers of America conference in years. It was great seeing everyone. Then it was right back to Atlanta the following week for the National Book Club Conference. That was phenomenal!!! As one of the featured authors they had a Red Carpet event. It was like being at the Oscars!! LOL. Flashbulbs popping, folks clapping and calling your name. What a blast.

Now onto the matter at hand. The African American Literary Awards Show for the Open Book Awards has just opened the polls for voting in a variety of categories. Votes are cast by READERS--that means you. So stop by the site and be sure to vote for your favorites. The awards show takes place next month (September) It's really a great event and the only one of its kind. And it's true--every vote does count.

The Literary Awards Show

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