Monday, January 09, 2006

Oprah's Been Conned--Well I'll be Damned

Oprah Winfrey who merely needs to breathe your name in her sleep to make you and overnight success--and millionaire bestowed that blesssing on author James Frey. As a result his book A Million Little Pieces sold more books than we can count.

Alas, according to some sources Mr. Frey hoodwinked and bamboozled Ms. W... You be the judge.


1 comment:

Bestselling Author, Pontif. said...

It really is a shame. I had read many reviews on Amazon that questioned the plausibility of a lot of Frey's accounts, and when I read the book myself, I wondered how someone in the state of mind he would've been in could remember things in such minute detail.....I wonder if Oprah will address this. You?