I found these amazing quotes on the Bed-Stuy For Obama myspace page and wanted to share. Unfortunately, I couldn't capture the images but the words are powerful nonethe less.
We declare our right on this earth to be a human being, to be respected as a human being, to be given the rights of a human being in this society, on this earth, in this day, which we intend to bring into existence by any means necessary.
--Malcolm X
(El Hajj Malik El Shabazz)
Civil Rights Activist
American Muslim
Human Rights Advocate
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."
-- Eleanor Roosevelt
First Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945
Human Rights and Civil Rights Spokesperson
"So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you."
--B.R. Ambedkar
Leader of the Dalits (Untouchables)
Buddhist Revivalist
Architect of the Indian Constitution
Recipient of the Bharat Ratna (Highest Civilian Award for Highest Degree of national Service)
"I've said to educators that if many of us were running businesses the way we run schools, we'd be out of business. Would you send your kid to a place where every day he wasn't getting better? School leaders don't talk enough about why their work is important. Why are we doing this, and how do we know whether we're doing it well? We know by noticing what happens to kids. Service work is about noticing -- and a good leader notices all the time."
--Dr. Lorraine Monroe
Founder of the Frederick Douglass Academy
Featured Educator on 60 Minutes
"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."
--Frederick Douglass
"The infernal laws of slavery have prevented them from acquiring an education, understanding the common laws of contract, or of managing the ordinary business of life. This Congress is bound to provide for them until they can take care of themselves. If we do not furnish them with homesteads, and hedge them around with protective laws; if we leave them to the legislation of their late masters, we had better have left them in bondage.
If we fail in this great duty now, when we have the power, we shall deserve and receive the execration of history and of all future ages."
--Thaddeus Stevens
U.S. House Representative
Leader of Radical Republicans
Anti-Slavery Advocate and Pro-Abolitionism
"When a dream takes hold of you...run with it, and to hell with the consequences!"
--Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams
Alternative Health Care Leader
Professional Clown
Social Diplomat
Founder of Gesundheit Institute
"I was born a slave, but nature gave me a soul of a free man."
--Toussaint Louverture
First Emperor of the First Independent Black nation of the West (Haiti)
Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.
--Madame Marie Curie
Twice Nobel Laureate in Physics and Chemistry
First Female Professor of the Sorbonne (Paris)
Radioactive Pioneer leading to the X-Ray
"He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave."
--Andrew Carnegie
Captain of American Industry
Founder of Carnegie Steel Company
Highly Respected Philanthropist
Welcome to my home online. Here I will share my writing dramas, triumphs, defeats and questions. I will ask your opinions and give you first look at my upcoming books, and hopefully share information on the literary industry and how we can benefit.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
From My Brother Wil's Perspective
Again... I defer to the eloquence of my friend and author William F. Cooper. Enjoy and share.
“With profound gratitude, and great humility, I accept your nomination for Presidency of the United States…”
Those words, spoken in a cutting, uncomplicated tone with power, precision, passion and promise, came from a man of my complexion with direction. Because so many dangled from nooses, endured hoses full-blast, were firebombed and horse whipped, or fell to sniper’s bullets, he stood at that podium last night, a mile higher than us all.
Conducting a symphony of hope, our next President spoke of individual and mutual responsibility, signing the words with conviction, sealing the envelope with hope for change, and delivering the fantastically flawless address to the doorstep of a Republican Candidate whose stale political tactics echo the sentiments of a President that has brought us to the brink of fiscal ruin; a man that agrees with a president who aligns himself with the financial contentment of Smith Barney over the struggles of Barney Smith. A Republican Candidate that agrees with a President loathed the world over for worn philosophies, questionable shot-calling and bullying tactics that may have fueled the loss of three thousand lives seven years ago on a Tuesday morning in September.
A Republican Candidate in accordance with a Commander-in-Chief growing more discredited by the day. McCain agrees with Bush 90% of the time. What does that say about judgment, wisdom and experience?
Surprisingly, there were no tears last night; in the alternative, only the slightest of smiles escaped me. While he was of my skin pigmentation, I was color blind for forty-plus minutes as our next President launched a renewal of American progression with the restoration of common purpose. Liberally emphasizing the need for compromise in gun laws, same sex relationships and the right of choice, I saw an objective balance between marching into the future with new ideas and a carefully structured maintenance of traditional values. Embodying the spirit of service of Ted Kennedy, the power of example spoken by William Jefferson Clinton, and the dogged determination of Hillary Rodham, the concrete agenda of aid to middle class America seemed reasonable.
But I ask one thing from the Nation in which he could not: Patience. Cleaning up a mess takes time and effort by all, not a savior with blueprint alone. He simply can’t do this by himself, and we can’t expect him to. Fundamentally speaking, we are our brothers’ keeper. So just as our next President will try to give tax breaks to companies creating jobs in Americas that won’t be outsourced, better healthcare, cut taxes for 95% of all working families, invest in education, and setting a clear goal on eliminating oil dependency from abroad, we must help him by becoming better people to our families and communities. Teamwork, people. Teamwork.
Periodicals call him a talented orator with vaporous credentials, inexperienced in the ways of the home of the brave. He must strengthen the U.S. Dollar, some say; be more specific in problematic areas, others argue. But my gut tells me on that morning, he’ll find a way to get it done. Innately level-headed, our next President is willing to fight, but only in a way that uplifts, not breaks down.
In my humble opinion, the only question standing in the way of change is fundamental one, but one that’s embedded deep within the fabric of which this country broke ground:
“Is America ready to bid adieu to its subconsciously bias yesterday and entrust the power of the highest office in the world to a person of color?”
Last night, our next President looked more like an American to me than ever.
Something new is stirring, and its next destination is the Oval Office.
William Fredrick Cooper is the active secretary of Brother 2 Brother Symposium, Inc., a literary initiative that encourages black men to read fiction. An ordinary guy trying to make a difference, Mr. Cooper is the author of the critically acclaimed novel Six Days In January as well as the African-American Literary Award-Nominated, Essence Bestselling novel There’s Always A Reason. Described by writing peers as a message-delivering, emotional masterpiece within the African-American Community, There’s Always A Reason was a Master’s List Finalist for a 2008 NAACP Image Award Nomination in the Outstanding Literary Work Fiction Category as well as the recipient of four Infini Literary Awards. Touching minds when giving thought-provoking radio interviews or when moderating or facilitating panel discussions throughout North America, he has contributed articles to national periodicals such as EBONY MAGAZINE and many bestselling anthologies. He can reached at his MySpace page (www.myspace.com/wfcooper )or his e-mail address: areason006@yahoo.com.
“With profound gratitude, and great humility, I accept your nomination for Presidency of the United States…”
Those words, spoken in a cutting, uncomplicated tone with power, precision, passion and promise, came from a man of my complexion with direction. Because so many dangled from nooses, endured hoses full-blast, were firebombed and horse whipped, or fell to sniper’s bullets, he stood at that podium last night, a mile higher than us all.
Conducting a symphony of hope, our next President spoke of individual and mutual responsibility, signing the words with conviction, sealing the envelope with hope for change, and delivering the fantastically flawless address to the doorstep of a Republican Candidate whose stale political tactics echo the sentiments of a President that has brought us to the brink of fiscal ruin; a man that agrees with a president who aligns himself with the financial contentment of Smith Barney over the struggles of Barney Smith. A Republican Candidate that agrees with a President loathed the world over for worn philosophies, questionable shot-calling and bullying tactics that may have fueled the loss of three thousand lives seven years ago on a Tuesday morning in September.
A Republican Candidate in accordance with a Commander-in-Chief growing more discredited by the day. McCain agrees with Bush 90% of the time. What does that say about judgment, wisdom and experience?
Surprisingly, there were no tears last night; in the alternative, only the slightest of smiles escaped me. While he was of my skin pigmentation, I was color blind for forty-plus minutes as our next President launched a renewal of American progression with the restoration of common purpose. Liberally emphasizing the need for compromise in gun laws, same sex relationships and the right of choice, I saw an objective balance between marching into the future with new ideas and a carefully structured maintenance of traditional values. Embodying the spirit of service of Ted Kennedy, the power of example spoken by William Jefferson Clinton, and the dogged determination of Hillary Rodham, the concrete agenda of aid to middle class America seemed reasonable.
But I ask one thing from the Nation in which he could not: Patience. Cleaning up a mess takes time and effort by all, not a savior with blueprint alone. He simply can’t do this by himself, and we can’t expect him to. Fundamentally speaking, we are our brothers’ keeper. So just as our next President will try to give tax breaks to companies creating jobs in Americas that won’t be outsourced, better healthcare, cut taxes for 95% of all working families, invest in education, and setting a clear goal on eliminating oil dependency from abroad, we must help him by becoming better people to our families and communities. Teamwork, people. Teamwork.
Periodicals call him a talented orator with vaporous credentials, inexperienced in the ways of the home of the brave. He must strengthen the U.S. Dollar, some say; be more specific in problematic areas, others argue. But my gut tells me on that morning, he’ll find a way to get it done. Innately level-headed, our next President is willing to fight, but only in a way that uplifts, not breaks down.
In my humble opinion, the only question standing in the way of change is fundamental one, but one that’s embedded deep within the fabric of which this country broke ground:
“Is America ready to bid adieu to its subconsciously bias yesterday and entrust the power of the highest office in the world to a person of color?”
Last night, our next President looked more like an American to me than ever.
Something new is stirring, and its next destination is the Oval Office.
William Fredrick Cooper is the active secretary of Brother 2 Brother Symposium, Inc., a literary initiative that encourages black men to read fiction. An ordinary guy trying to make a difference, Mr. Cooper is the author of the critically acclaimed novel Six Days In January as well as the African-American Literary Award-Nominated, Essence Bestselling novel There’s Always A Reason. Described by writing peers as a message-delivering, emotional masterpiece within the African-American Community, There’s Always A Reason was a Master’s List Finalist for a 2008 NAACP Image Award Nomination in the Outstanding Literary Work Fiction Category as well as the recipient of four Infini Literary Awards. Touching minds when giving thought-provoking radio interviews or when moderating or facilitating panel discussions throughout North America, he has contributed articles to national periodicals such as EBONY MAGAZINE and many bestselling anthologies. He can reached at his MySpace page (www.myspace.com/wfcooper )or his e-mail address: areason006@yahoo.com.
He Has A Dream Fulfilled
Last night in a football field in Denver, Colorado, the first African American man accepted the nomination from the democratic party for president of the United States. Ten years from now, fifty years from now what happened last night would be no big deal. It would be business as usual.
But yesterday was not business as usual. It was history unfolding right before our eyes. It will be written in newspapers, blogs, magazines and textbooks. It will be discussed over family dinners, at watercoolers and in classrooms. It will become part of the annuals of American history. A history where less than 200 years ago, this county enslaved black folk, treated us with less dignity than property. They striped us of our names, our families, our language, our heritage. But still we rise.
We endured, survived and surmounted every obstacle that has been put in our path. And yesterday, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I HAVE A DREAM," speech, Barack Obama became the embodiment of that dream.
It was his image, his conviction, his oratory, his essence that made us all believe, black, white, red and brown that there is a better tomorrow and we ALL are going to the mountaintop, together.
Our parents and grandparents never thought they'd live to see this day. The sense of pride filled us all.
There are no more excuses ya'll. It can no longer be the "white man's" fault. We are our responsibility and Barack Obama has proven without a doubt that YOU can be whatever you want. But you cannot wait for what you want to be handed to you. Go out and get it!
Be responsible in your home, for your children and your community. Take care of yourself and each other. We can do it.
Part Two
Part Three
But yesterday was not business as usual. It was history unfolding right before our eyes. It will be written in newspapers, blogs, magazines and textbooks. It will be discussed over family dinners, at watercoolers and in classrooms. It will become part of the annuals of American history. A history where less than 200 years ago, this county enslaved black folk, treated us with less dignity than property. They striped us of our names, our families, our language, our heritage. But still we rise.
We endured, survived and surmounted every obstacle that has been put in our path. And yesterday, on the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I HAVE A DREAM," speech, Barack Obama became the embodiment of that dream.
It was his image, his conviction, his oratory, his essence that made us all believe, black, white, red and brown that there is a better tomorrow and we ALL are going to the mountaintop, together.
Our parents and grandparents never thought they'd live to see this day. The sense of pride filled us all.
There are no more excuses ya'll. It can no longer be the "white man's" fault. We are our responsibility and Barack Obama has proven without a doubt that YOU can be whatever you want. But you cannot wait for what you want to be handed to you. Go out and get it!
Be responsible in your home, for your children and your community. Take care of yourself and each other. We can do it.
Part Two
Part Three
My Tour Begins
Greetings Family,
Well, I'm getting ready to hit the road again.... virtually that is! Yep, in these days of technology you don't even have to leave your house to visit with folks around the world. I'm psyched. This is my first virtual book tour so I am anxious to see how it turns out.
My tour begins the first week of September and I hope to be coming to a virtual home near you!.
Here are some of the locations:
Sable Lit Reviews
Worth More Than Rubies
Tamara Grant
So please visit the sites now, bookmark them or set up an RSS feed so that you don't miss the tour. Some very interesting questions have been posed by the blog hosts and I think you will be surprised by some of my responses.
This is a partial list, so do check back for updates. Also, there will be other authors touring with me. Some you know and some you will get to know. And many of the tour stops will be giving away prizes. But of course you gotta be in it to win it!
I'm looking forward to this "virtual thing" LOL, so I do hope you will join me on my cyber journey.
Well, I'm getting ready to hit the road again.... virtually that is! Yep, in these days of technology you don't even have to leave your house to visit with folks around the world. I'm psyched. This is my first virtual book tour so I am anxious to see how it turns out.
My tour begins the first week of September and I hope to be coming to a virtual home near you!.
Here are some of the locations:
Sable Lit Reviews
Worth More Than Rubies
Tamara Grant
So please visit the sites now, bookmark them or set up an RSS feed so that you don't miss the tour. Some very interesting questions have been posed by the blog hosts and I think you will be surprised by some of my responses.
This is a partial list, so do check back for updates. Also, there will be other authors touring with me. Some you know and some you will get to know. And many of the tour stops will be giving away prizes. But of course you gotta be in it to win it!
I'm looking forward to this "virtual thing" LOL, so I do hope you will join me on my cyber journey.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Here We Stand!
Every now and then, my friend and colleague William Cooper, composes a piece that I am compelled to share. This is one of them:
ONE MORE STEP by William Fredrick Cooper
I will weep at ten o’clock tonight. The tears will mix with the earth, causing flowers to grow. Gratefulness flowing my heart, to say that I give thanks to our forefathers is an understatement, for their labor was not in vain.
Imagine This: There’s a party going on in Heaven tonight. My brothers and sisters arriving Before The Mayflower are no longer in chains and shackles. Elegantly attired in tuxedos and evening gowns, with humility from yore they offer assistance, but are told by Our Heavenly Father to take a chill pill. They’re free, He reminds them. Those who were raped, whipped and tortured by slave masters throughout America’s Bad Time In History will be served by others as well, for they too, earned a lifetime of peace.
Frederick Douglass, Thurgood Marshall, W.E.B. Dubois and Paul Robeson a re exchanging hugs and hand pounds, and Malcolm X and Huey Newton are arguing over a game of chess. Though their anger has been tempered, their wars against injustice are now reserved for pawns, rooks, bishops and knights. Old habits dying hard, both want to win this match by any means necessary. Harriet Tubman, Shirley Chisolm and Rosa Parks are in their Sunday’s best. Jackie Robinson, Joe Louis and Jesse Owens are well-wishers at the gates to many late arrivals.
Ray Charles and Eubie Blake begin the evening’s entertainment by tickling the ivory in a way where Bojangles Robinson and Gregory Hines can get down. After the hoofers complete their scintillating duet that is sure to bring the house down, Lady Day, Dinah Washington and Phyllis Hyman will sing a version of “God Bless The Child” that will run over the dam of tear-ducts from all in attendance.
After Marvin Gaye made the congregation think with a spirited version of “What’s Going On” and we received ten minute apiece of comedy from Robin Harris, Red Foxx and Moms Mabley, many in the audience are in anticipation of Bernie Mac. The reason why is apparent to all that have convened for this very special pay-per-view telecast.
“You’ve heard him speak?” they all ask.
Bernie Mac, shaking his head in amazement, grins.
“He’s personable, friendly and funny, but he takes the business of changing things in America very seriously. Y’all just don’t understand. He ain’t scared of them mutha…
“Shut Yo Mouth,” Isaac Hayes interrupts.
“But I was talking about…”
“We Know,” The millions voices of African-American History shouted in unison.
Gerald Levert and Luther Vandross would lead a version of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” after the main event, but Mahalia Jackson would elicit emotions with a jaw-dropping rendition of “Amazing Grace”. Again moved by the magical melody of song, the crowd above roared for the keynote speaker to approach the podium.
He did, to a five minute standing ovation. Picture millions standing and applauding the reverend. Truly A sight to behold. Our Heavenly Father gave Martin Luther King specific instructions in four words: I HAVE A DREAM.
In the same impassionate voice, the heavens vibrated as he began by giving Abraham Lincoln, John and Robert Kennedy praise. Then, in a measured mixture of force and grace, from start to finish, the minister address the crowd with love. Speaking the same words of hope and unity that he uttered forty-five years ago in the shadows of Lincoln on that Washington lawn, he spoke of children of all races and colors holding hands as a current of history created by all on those in heaven will meet with a new tide of creation on earth, “In America” he emphasized.
“At Ten P.M. Eastern Standard time, we will be one more step away from being free at last,” Martin Luther King announced. “A Black Man will go toe-to-toe with a Republican Candidate for the right to become the 44th President of the United States of America.”
“One More Step! One more Step!” Millions chanted with all the emotion in their hearts, all the power in their voices, all the love in their souls. Then, they all tuned into the speech about to be delivered on earth.
William’s Thoughts: The Dream now one step away, the down payment of the White House will be made tonight in the most important speech given by a person of color in this country to date. The road to victory will not be easy, as Barack Obama will be subjected to a scrutiny unlike no other before him. Many have died for this dream deeply rooted in many fabrics, and we can’t forget that. Conducting creative movements with discipline and determination, we wear the scars of our forefathers as we are nine weeks away from the Promised Land.
Nine Weeks from freedom ringing for four years.
Nine Weeks from singing, if but for a moment, FREE AT LAST!
Nine Weeks. One More Step.
William Fredrick Cooper
ONE MORE STEP by William Fredrick Cooper
I will weep at ten o’clock tonight. The tears will mix with the earth, causing flowers to grow. Gratefulness flowing my heart, to say that I give thanks to our forefathers is an understatement, for their labor was not in vain.
Imagine This: There’s a party going on in Heaven tonight. My brothers and sisters arriving Before The Mayflower are no longer in chains and shackles. Elegantly attired in tuxedos and evening gowns, with humility from yore they offer assistance, but are told by Our Heavenly Father to take a chill pill. They’re free, He reminds them. Those who were raped, whipped and tortured by slave masters throughout America’s Bad Time In History will be served by others as well, for they too, earned a lifetime of peace.
Frederick Douglass, Thurgood Marshall, W.E.B. Dubois and Paul Robeson a re exchanging hugs and hand pounds, and Malcolm X and Huey Newton are arguing over a game of chess. Though their anger has been tempered, their wars against injustice are now reserved for pawns, rooks, bishops and knights. Old habits dying hard, both want to win this match by any means necessary. Harriet Tubman, Shirley Chisolm and Rosa Parks are in their Sunday’s best. Jackie Robinson, Joe Louis and Jesse Owens are well-wishers at the gates to many late arrivals.
Ray Charles and Eubie Blake begin the evening’s entertainment by tickling the ivory in a way where Bojangles Robinson and Gregory Hines can get down. After the hoofers complete their scintillating duet that is sure to bring the house down, Lady Day, Dinah Washington and Phyllis Hyman will sing a version of “God Bless The Child” that will run over the dam of tear-ducts from all in attendance.
After Marvin Gaye made the congregation think with a spirited version of “What’s Going On” and we received ten minute apiece of comedy from Robin Harris, Red Foxx and Moms Mabley, many in the audience are in anticipation of Bernie Mac. The reason why is apparent to all that have convened for this very special pay-per-view telecast.
“You’ve heard him speak?” they all ask.
Bernie Mac, shaking his head in amazement, grins.
“He’s personable, friendly and funny, but he takes the business of changing things in America very seriously. Y’all just don’t understand. He ain’t scared of them mutha…
“Shut Yo Mouth,” Isaac Hayes interrupts.
“But I was talking about…”
“We Know,” The millions voices of African-American History shouted in unison.
Gerald Levert and Luther Vandross would lead a version of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” after the main event, but Mahalia Jackson would elicit emotions with a jaw-dropping rendition of “Amazing Grace”. Again moved by the magical melody of song, the crowd above roared for the keynote speaker to approach the podium.
He did, to a five minute standing ovation. Picture millions standing and applauding the reverend. Truly A sight to behold. Our Heavenly Father gave Martin Luther King specific instructions in four words: I HAVE A DREAM.
In the same impassionate voice, the heavens vibrated as he began by giving Abraham Lincoln, John and Robert Kennedy praise. Then, in a measured mixture of force and grace, from start to finish, the minister address the crowd with love. Speaking the same words of hope and unity that he uttered forty-five years ago in the shadows of Lincoln on that Washington lawn, he spoke of children of all races and colors holding hands as a current of history created by all on those in heaven will meet with a new tide of creation on earth, “In America” he emphasized.
“At Ten P.M. Eastern Standard time, we will be one more step away from being free at last,” Martin Luther King announced. “A Black Man will go toe-to-toe with a Republican Candidate for the right to become the 44th President of the United States of America.”
“One More Step! One more Step!” Millions chanted with all the emotion in their hearts, all the power in their voices, all the love in their souls. Then, they all tuned into the speech about to be delivered on earth.
William’s Thoughts: The Dream now one step away, the down payment of the White House will be made tonight in the most important speech given by a person of color in this country to date. The road to victory will not be easy, as Barack Obama will be subjected to a scrutiny unlike no other before him. Many have died for this dream deeply rooted in many fabrics, and we can’t forget that. Conducting creative movements with discipline and determination, we wear the scars of our forefathers as we are nine weeks away from the Promised Land.
Nine Weeks from freedom ringing for four years.
Nine Weeks from singing, if but for a moment, FREE AT LAST!
Nine Weeks. One More Step.
William Fredrick Cooper
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
You Betta Tell Somebody
Hey Folks,
November will be here before you know it. And the direction of this country will change hands for better or for worst. However, unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem. No matter your political affiliations, make sure that you register and make sure that you vote. Next week at the Democratic National Convention history will be made. Don't stand on the sidelines.
This is our time. So seize the moment! Below is a message from Democratic Nominee for V.P. Joe Biden.
November will be here before you know it. And the direction of this country will change hands for better or for worst. However, unless we are part of the solution, we are part of the problem. No matter your political affiliations, make sure that you register and make sure that you vote. Next week at the Democratic National Convention history will be made. Don't stand on the sidelines.
This is our time. So seize the moment! Below is a message from Democratic Nominee for V.P. Joe Biden.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
If Only!!!
If only Marvin were around to sing this when Barak talks to the nation for the DNC next week! Lawd! I'm fanning....
Running On Fumes
Well folks it's been an action-packed week. As many of you know I had my very first virtual party which was a blast. We had a full house, some great conversation, and I think a good time was had by all. So if you missed it, the link to blogtalk radio is in the newsletter. So check it out.
In other news, I am currently working on my long-overdue sequel to my novel RHYTHMS. It is both challenging and exciting to revisit Rudell, Mississippi once again. Of course in the follow up there will be other issues pressing against my lead character Parris McKay and you will be introduce to two other complex and dynamic women whom I hope you will take into your hearts. It will be a while before "What Mother Never Told Me," hits the shelves but I promise to keep everyone updated and of course those in my fanclub will get first looks at the opening chapters.
I just turned in my third installment of The Ladies Cartel series, "Temptation and Lies," which will be out in February. Book 2 Seduction & Lies is scheduled for release in November of this year. So be on the look out.
For those of you who missed some of my novels, please visit my website Donna Hill and click on the Book Gallery Link. The selected books can be sent to you autographed and shipping is free. So take a look and see what may be missing from your collection.
Be sure to tune in on Sundays at 6 pm EST to Donna Hill Radio Show where you can listen to reading from some of my work, chat with my guests, ask questions, debate the issues and mingle with other readers on the phone on in the chat room.
Well that's it for now. Hope you all had a great week and a better one coming.
Happy reading!
In other news, I am currently working on my long-overdue sequel to my novel RHYTHMS. It is both challenging and exciting to revisit Rudell, Mississippi once again. Of course in the follow up there will be other issues pressing against my lead character Parris McKay and you will be introduce to two other complex and dynamic women whom I hope you will take into your hearts. It will be a while before "What Mother Never Told Me," hits the shelves but I promise to keep everyone updated and of course those in my fanclub will get first looks at the opening chapters.
I just turned in my third installment of The Ladies Cartel series, "Temptation and Lies," which will be out in February. Book 2 Seduction & Lies is scheduled for release in November of this year. So be on the look out.
For those of you who missed some of my novels, please visit my website Donna Hill and click on the Book Gallery Link. The selected books can be sent to you autographed and shipping is free. So take a look and see what may be missing from your collection.
Be sure to tune in on Sundays at 6 pm EST to Donna Hill Radio Show where you can listen to reading from some of my work, chat with my guests, ask questions, debate the issues and mingle with other readers on the phone on in the chat room.
Well that's it for now. Hope you all had a great week and a better one coming.
Happy reading!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
You're Invited!!!
Tonight on Black Author Network, I will be having my very first virtual party. I will be celebrating my birthday, and the official launch of my new website and bookclub. There will be music,food, (whatever you have in your fridge), prizes, great conversations and just a good time. I love talking with my readers, bookclubs and authors and there is not telling who may drop by.
So set your alert for tonight and stop on by. Donna's Virtual Party
Tonight August 21 from 8-10 pm EST. on Blogtalk Radio. Once you log in, if you want to call in the call in number is available. Or you can hang out in the chat room. Come as you are and have a good time!
See you later.
So set your alert for tonight and stop on by. Donna's Virtual Party
Tonight August 21 from 8-10 pm EST. on Blogtalk Radio. Once you log in, if you want to call in the call in number is available. Or you can hang out in the chat room. Come as you are and have a good time!
See you later.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
News From EDC Creations--Baltimore Book Festival
EDC Creations
Join us for The Baltimore Book Festival! EDC Creations and The Sankofa Literary Society invite you to meet and greet with today's most stimulating authors.
We will host live author interviews, excerpt readings and booksignings for the readers. EDC Creations will be giving away special gifts to bookclubs! Come out and spend the day with us and the staff of A Good Book bookstore.
(Visit A Good Book's website: http://www.agoodbook.biz)
The roster of 150+ author appearances includes Dr. Cornel West, Naomi Wolf, Walter Mosley, Martin Yan, Iyanla Vanzant, Daniel Mark Epstein, Omar Tyree, Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanchez, Dr. Randal Pinkett, Farnoosh Torabi, Laura Schlitz, Ron Suskind, Hudson Talbott, Adam Roberts, Donna Hill and many more!
Dynamic, personal interaction between readers and authors is the hallmark of Baltimore Book Festival - please explore the stage schedules to learn about all the authors attending this year's event. We look forward to seeing you at the Baltimore Book Festival! More Details Here.
Friday, September 26 | Saturday, September 27 | Sunday, September 28
Authors if you would like to introduce your books to the readers at the Baltimore Book Festival, please email me at: elladcurry@edc-creations.com
Join us for The Baltimore Book Festival! EDC Creations and The Sankofa Literary Society invite you to meet and greet with today's most stimulating authors.
We will host live author interviews, excerpt readings and booksignings for the readers. EDC Creations will be giving away special gifts to bookclubs! Come out and spend the day with us and the staff of A Good Book bookstore.
(Visit A Good Book's website: http://www.agoodbook.biz)
The roster of 150+ author appearances includes Dr. Cornel West, Naomi Wolf, Walter Mosley, Martin Yan, Iyanla Vanzant, Daniel Mark Epstein, Omar Tyree, Congresswomen Loretta and Linda Sanchez, Dr. Randal Pinkett, Farnoosh Torabi, Laura Schlitz, Ron Suskind, Hudson Talbott, Adam Roberts, Donna Hill and many more!
Dynamic, personal interaction between readers and authors is the hallmark of Baltimore Book Festival - please explore the stage schedules to learn about all the authors attending this year's event. We look forward to seeing you at the Baltimore Book Festival! More Details Here.
Friday, September 26 | Saturday, September 27 | Sunday, September 28
Authors if you would like to introduce your books to the readers at the Baltimore Book Festival, please email me at: elladcurry@edc-creations.com
Soul Expression Tour Update
Greetings Family!!
I'm finally back in my own house! I feel as if I've been on the road forever. But it's all good. My latest jaunt was the Soul Expressions Bus Tour sponsored by Levy Home Entertainment. This was my second year attending and I must say a good time was had by all. Some of the authors from last year were in attendance and we had some new faces too. I got to meet L. Devine, Wahida Clarke, Vickie Stringer and Marilynn Griffith (who is the funniest woman I have ever met). She kept us in stitches the whole weekend. Angela Benson joined us this year as well as my good friend Bernice McFadden aka Geneva Holliday. The old favorites returned as well: Rochelle Alers, Brenda Jackson and Beverly Jenkins.
I had the pleasure of interviewing Brenda, Beverly, Marilynn and Bernice for my blogtalk show (which airs on Sundays at 6 EST) but for some reason the recording did not upload last week! To say I am distraught is an understatement. I hope to be able to recover the interview soon.
The fans on the tour were great!
I'm looking forward to my next trip which will be the Baltimore Book Festival and then the Capital Book Fest. I hope to see your friendly faces out there!
Monday, August 04, 2008
HOTLanta--National Book Club Conference



Hey Fam!
Just landed on solid ground after my return flight from Atlanta for the Sixth Annual National Book Club Conference at the fabulous Marriott Marquis Hotel. I had a fabulous time and got to see sooooo many folks from all over the place! Want to give a shout out to Judi and Alicia and the sisters from Sugar and Spice Book Club and Pamela and Angela from Imani Book Club that hung out with me and Debra Owsley(Simply Said Reading Accessories).Hey Anya! Some of everybody was up in the place. Curtis Bunn did a fabulous job. We have pictures posted on my fanclub site. Take a look when you have a minute.
My girl Debra put together a Slideshow of the event.
I got to sit next to Terri McMillian all night during the banquet. And of course all of the author's shining moment was the walk down the red carpet. Yes, we felt like stars!! LOL.
Well, that's it from the road. I'll be heading out on Wednesday (my birthday) for the Soul Expressions Bus Tour which kicks off in Indianapolis and concludes in Chicago on Sunday. I do hope to see many of you out there as we hit the Wal-Mart stores.
Here are the dates and locations
Thursday, August 7th
10:00am--Lawrence, IN 10735 Pendleton Pike/ Lawrence, IN 46236
2:00 pm-- Fishers, IN 8300 E. 96th Street/ Fishers, IN 46038
4:45pm-- Indianapolis, IN 3221 West 86th Street/ Indianapolis,IN 46268
# Soul Expressions Author Tour in Fort Wayne >
Soul Expressions Author Tour
August 8, 2008
7502 Southtown Crossing Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46816
# Soul Expressions Author Tour in South Bend >
Soul Expressions Author Tour
August 8, 2008
3701 Portage Road
South Bend, IN 46628
# Soul Expressions Author Tour in Hammond >
Soul Expressions Author Tour
August 8, 2008
1828 165th Street
Hammond, IN 46320
# Soul Expressions Author Tour in Chicago >
Soul Expressions Author Tour
August 9, 2008
Saturday, August 9th
10:00am -- Country Club Hills, IL 4005 West 167th Street/ Country Club Hills, IL 60478
2:30pm-- Evergreen Park, IL 2500 W. 95th Street/ Evergreen Park, IL 60805
Sunday, August 10th
11:00am-- Crestwood, IL 4700 W. 135th Street/ Crestwood, IL 60445
3:00pm-- Lansing, IL 16771 Torrence Avenue/ Lansing, IL 60438
Hope to see you on the road and be sure to tell your friends!!
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